15 Foods That Have No Calories (Almost!) And Have Many Nutrients

Do you need fitness and health? Do you need a snack with almost no calories?

Weight loss ,more health and slim line are challenging. If you want to lose weight and keep track daily, you need good and well planned meals and snacks.

Minerals, vitamins, antioxidants are vital for health and looks. Foods with these items are power foods. So, why not get healthy and low calorie all at once?

If you doubt what to eat, we have the list of healthy and low or 0 calories. Eat them plain or mixed, in salads or smoothies.



They have 52 calories in 100 g, but also fibers, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and just 1 apple stops bad cravings. Also it keeps the health.


Rich with C, they have 47 calories in 100 g. Make juice from them and eat them to prevent cold and flu.


No guilt here, 30 calories in 100 g. It boosts metabolism and has antioxidants. Sweet, juicy, summertime treat!


Mostly made of water and almost zero calories. When you chew it, you burn more than you consume. This is JUST 16 cal in 100 g.


Same as celery, mostly water and vital for hydration. With 16 calories in 100 grams, this is great for salads.


Courgetti, zucchini, summer squash is just 17 calories in 100 g. amazing for pasta, sauces and such. They have potassium, folic acid and vitamin A.


This is 93% water and low in calories and sodium. It has magnesium, B6, K, C, E, calcium, protein, zinc, fibers, copper, iron, folic acid, selenium, manganese, potassium. Also has aspargine amino acid. It is good as appetizer or stir fried.


All mushrooms are low in calories, portabellas are 22, chanterelles are 38 for 100 g They give good flavor in sauce or burgers.


They are good for the eyes but also for stable blood sugar. They are a diuretic and remove inflammation. 41 calories for 100 g.


Every recipe has onions inside. They add flavor and in 100 g there is 40 calories. Baked, fried, grilled, roasted, braised…or raw in salad. Also they are low in fat.


Type of cabbage with edible ends and buds. They have C, K, B, minerals, fiber. And sulforaphane that kills cancer.Have just 43 calories in 100 g.


Only 49 calories in 100 g, minerals, fibers, proteins. Freeze it since the taste will be sweeter after frosting. Have it as salad, or make kale chips.


You lose more with preparing than eating it raw. it has 25 calories in 100 grams and aids the heart health, digestion and inflammation removal.


This is amazing in stir fry, as side dish, stew, soup…It has just 34 calories in 100 grams, proteins and tons of fiber.


Just 25 calories in 100 g, good for weight loss too. Also keeps heart safe and fights cancer.

Source and image source: timefornaturalhealthcare.com


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